Oh Lordy, Land Chinks!

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Who doesn’t have complaints from their building’s management or landlords, even tenants? And the Landlord is M.I.A. and doesn’t give any solution??

New York City is a big city with a tremendous variety of people, lifestyles, and the many environmental issues that start at our surroundings like our apartment building, the neighbor, the building next door, and more, which affects everyone’s health or wellbeing and lifestyle.

A particular Management Building here in Brooklyn has been ignoring, overlooking, and proceeding in the wrong way towards legal tenants.

The tenant has been residing at this management building apartments for nearly six years and witnessed many abnormalities starting from a fundamental plumbing issue, security concerns, and environmental threats to her household such as kitchen sink over flood with other substance that doesn’t belong to it; bathroom toilet and sink on the same condition even worse with an addition of a disgusting smell coming from somewhere else’s sewer, pain on walls falling off, nonworking heat and appliances; therefore as far as security issues / environmental concerns here it comes stolen items INSIDE the building !! and no one sees it or has any information about it, the only hope is the film on those building cameras that are installed for security purposes, but only after the victim files a formal police report/complaint, the building management will try to take a look at the film and come up with a solution.

I have reached out to the building management in person, in writing, and (email and mail) even over the phone. The results have been very poor as far as communications and effectiveness in resolving the many issues.

Complaints go and come. The only way to hear from your landlord is when you owe rent or if the superintendent files a claim against you, otherwise, if you tried to reach out to them even in person, there is a whole procedure so that you can be heard.

Recently our Community Assembly Representative convened an urgent meeting between the management building, department of health authorities and tenants (victims), and the entire community gathered along with the Assembly office representatives. Still, there was a big absence from the Building Management authorities, which was unexpected and found disrespectful at some point from everyone that attended this crucial meeting to better the building at its many issues.

There are so many tenants that have no voice or believe that they have no rights when it comes to many issues related to landlords and tenants. They wait to end it in court, to be persecuted by the ones that, to begin with, gave no attention to their numerous issues.

New York City has a department of human rights and many other resources where to find an answer, a solution, and a way to handle this case, all we have to do is look as much as we can for the solution. 


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