Brace For Sandy’s Whiplash Hooplah…

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Hurricanes are massive storms that are formed over warm ocean waters and often travel toward the land. The storms are characterized by a torrential downpour, storm surges, floods, tornadoes, powerful winds and landslides. Hurricanes occur in two seasons. The Atlantic hurricane runs from 1st June to 30th November, while the pacific hurricane runs from 15th May to 30th November. So if you are living in the vulnerable regions or you are just on vacation, being prepared for, during and after the hurricane, these are the essential factors to take into consideration.

Preparation tips before hurricane

Before the hurricane strikes, you should undertake the following preparations:

  1. Prepare a plan. When the hurricane strikes, you and your family are likely to be separated. Therefore, it is important to make a plan of common assembly points and also the method of contact.
  2. You should create and equip your disaster kit with the following components: enough food, whistle, medications, water and electronic gadgets like batteries, charger and flashlight. Your valuable documents should be stored in watertight containers.
  3. Ensure your gas tanks are full enough.
  4. Your home should be well-secured with protected windows.
  5. Find out about the elevation level of your home. It will help you know if your property is prone to storm surge and flooding.

Preparation during A hurricane

Follow the following tips to stay safe during the hurricane ordeal.

  1. Stay safe inside by moving away from glass windows and skylight.
  2. Turn off electricity if flooding occurs.
  3. Turn off electrical components such as computers and water heaters
  4. Do not go outside as projectiles of debris might hit you.
  5. Don’t operate your phone or take a shower during the storm.

Safety tips after a hurricane

It is noted that more injuries and deaths happen after than during the storm. That is because many people get excited and go outside to ascertain the destruction caused. In the process, they get into contact with fallen electrical power lines and falling trees. These tips will help you stay safe after the storm.

  1. Stay indoors until official communication is given out.
  2. Stay away from fallen power lines and trees.
  3. Use your phone to call 911 in case of emergencies.
  4. Alert the police of any hazard such as fallen power lines, leaking gas tanks and burst water mains.
  5. Watch for broken bridges that could unexpectedly collapse.
  6. After everything has been restored, check if your refrigerated food is safe.
  7. Don’t operate camping stoves or generators as they might cause suffocation.


You may be requested to evacuate if you live in prone or vulnerable areas. Make arrangements for a safe place to stay with your family. Or you can be accommodated in a public shelter if you miss a place to go. Before evacuation, pack all your items, including identification cards, beddings, meals and medical items. Public shelters that permit animals are limited so you should also plan for your pets.


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